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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First Thing's First

This year has marked a lot of firsts for me and my family. My wife had her first official book signing. Kid Z lost his first tooth. This was the first time I've launched a new company (:D) and attended an expo as a vendor. It was also our first year we owed taxes instead of getting a refund (blerg). And many more. Some good, some not great. But one in particular happened this last Monday, and it was a monumental experience for my wife and I. Our youngest, Kid A, officially became a little boy. He is no longer our little stinker that helped us invent the baby butt spray and would run around the house telling everyone to "smell my butt!" after spraying him with the several test samples as we perfected the formula (he loved being our guinea pig). He's growing up and Bree and I got a little emotional about it. Maybe its a little silly, but this experience made us reflect on our lives, our children and realize how blessed we are. It made us nostalgic for all the fun times we've had so far with our boys, but also excited for their future and how awesome they are bound to be.

So what was this groundbreaking, monumental, and time altering rite of passage that Kid A experienced?

His first SOLO bike ride.

Take a look at a little video of it I was able to capture on my phone. (Sorry about the sound quality. I apparently had my finger over the microphone as I was jogging to keep up with him)

After a an hour or so of riding around the cul-de-sac, Kid A also experienced his first crash. I was so proud of him because he just got right back up, brushed himself off, smiled at me and got back on the bike. I hope he does that whenever he falls-- on the bike or in life. As a side note: we found when we were done that the boys had that not-so-pleasant-I-can't-sweat-yet little boy smell. Good news! We found a new use for Little Stinker Baby Butt Spray :P

Here's to all the many firsts in life and the many more to come, because with life's experiences come wisdom, strength, and happiness.



  1. Very sweet! I can't believe how big your boys are getting. They are lucky to have a great dad and mom that are so supportive.

  2. I still get teary every time I watch this!
