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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To whom do you attribute your success? Why?

As a gift I received these little cards CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE MOTHER'S SOUL™ that are conversation starts to "Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit". I love these stories and wanted to share them with you and get your thoughts as well.

"When Meegan lost her first tooth, she left it for the Tooth Fairy along with a note asking for a job. The Tooth Fairy (Meegan's parents) relayed that she was too young, but that if she worked hard, the Tooth Fairy would consider her for a job later. Meegan followed those instructions, graduated college with honors and got a top management job. To whom did she attribute her success? Her parents - and the Tooth Fairy!"

To whom do you attribute your success? Why?
"The Tooth Fairy," Suzanne Moustakas


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